Privacy & Policy

Privacy & Policy

Privacy & Policy

AORTA Privacy Policy: Your Data, Your Trust

At AORTA, we prioritize your privacy and are committed to protecting the data you share with us. Our privacy policy ensures transparency, security, and trust, giving you full control over your personal information.

  • Your Information, Your Control: We collect only the information necessary to provide you with the best experience. You always maintain control over your data, and we are transparent about how it is used.
  • Security First: Your data security is our top priority. We employ advanced security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or misuse.
  • Transparency and Consent: We are clear about the data we collect and why. We will never use your information without your explicit consent, and we give you the option to manage your preferences.
  • No Selling of Personal Data: We do not sell your personal information. Your data is used solely to enhance your experience with our platform.


At AORTA, protecting your privacy is central to our values. We are here to ensure your data is handled carefully and respectfully. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Your privacy is our priority.

Thank you for trusting AORTA as your source for reliable heart health information.
We look forward to hearing from you!