
Insulin Therapy: Managing Blood Sugar in Diabetes. 

Insulin therapy constitutes a cornerstone in diabetes management. It involves the use of insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, primarily in individuals with Type 1 diabetes and some with Type 2 diabetes who require insulin supplementation. 

Drug Family and Names: 

Various types of insulin are available, classified based on their onset, peak, and duration of action: 

  • Rapid-acting insulin (e.g., Lispro, Aspart) 
  • Short-acting insulin (e.g., Regular insulin) 
  • Intermediate-acting insulin (e.g., NPH insulin) 
  • Long-acting insulin (e.g., Glargine, Detemir, Degludec) 

Mechanism of Action: 

Insulin acts as a key that unlocks cells to allow glucose entry for energy production. Different types of insulin mimic the body’s natural insulin secretion, facilitating glucose absorption from the bloodstream. Rapid-acting insulin works quickly to manage post-meal blood sugar spikes, while long-acting insulin provides a basal level of insulin throughout the day. 


Insulin therapy is essential in: 

  • Type 1 diabetes: Individuals with this condition require insulin since their bodies don’t produce insulin. 
  • Type 2 diabetes: In cases where oral medications or lifestyle modifications aren’t sufficient to manage blood sugar levels. 

Side Effects: 

Common side effects include: 


Dosage varies based on individual needs, blood sugar levels, and type of insulin used. It’s administered via injections or insulin pumps. 

Route of Administration: 

Insulin is administered via: 

  • Subcutaneous injections: Typically, in the abdomen, thighs, or upper arms. 
  • Insulin pumps: Deliver continuous insulin through a catheter placed under the skin. 

Insulin therapy is a vital component of diabetes management, ensuring proper blood sugar control and preventing complications associated with uncontrolled diabetes. Patients should work closely with healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate insulin type, dosage, and administration method tailored to their needs.